Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ditched Helicopter Award

I have just stayed in the Fawlty Towers Hotel of Dubai – The Seven Sands. When I complained about my room the manager asked:
“What do you want me to do? – they are all as bad as yours”!

I had to rearrange my booking at the last moment and my agent booked this as a 4 star hotel – I’d say it’s about 1.5 stars.
On their brochure and website they say:

“Extended Hospitality” – Untrue
“Fully equipped gym” – Untrue
“Coffee Shop” – Untrue
“Business Centre” - Untrue
“Complimentary welcome fruit basket” – Untrue
“Complimentary daily newspaper” - Untrue

The place is dirty, badly managed and a disgrace so a mega DITCHED HELICOPTER to the SEVEN SANDS HOTEL, Dubai

Golden Helicopter Award

Roger Venables sends us this nomination:

I would like to nominate Chris Booth, Director of Graphics Direct for a Golden Helicopter Award. The longish but encouraging story is this:

• Our usual (shop) supplier of materials for mounting photographs had closed and I was struggling to find a replacement (Shop). We were in urgent need!
• So I searched the web for ‘Artists’ Materials and found Graphics Direct. It was difficult to tell whether they were first class or charlatans, except that they actually offered a phone number on a selling website, which was a good start.
• A call generated a very courteous response saying the relevant person was out but would call back, and they even asked when would be convenient – asap was the answer and they said about an hour.
• Chris Booth called back earlier than forecast, without declaring his position in the company, by which time I had found most of what I wanted on the website but not everything. Chris expertly took me through a process of booking what I wanted, then asking for a pro-forma invoice when getting to the payment stage. He then called me back within a few minutes to talk though adding what I wanted that was not on the website, adding that to the invoice, and taking payment. I had also wanted next day delivery as close to 100% guaranteed – no problem was the answer, and at no extra charge
• Within a minute or so, there was the invoice in my inbox, followed a couple of hours later by the Royal Mail tracking number for the parcel. The parcel arrived before the target time, and all was as ordered 100%.
• Then, 5 days after the order, an email from Chris, who turned out to be a (or perhaps the) Director of Graphics Direct, expressing the hope that our first experience of using them had been a good one and asking for feedback, which I duly gave him, and the whole experience prompted me to write to you!.

Outstanding! – I’m very happy to award a GOLDEN HELICOPTER AWARD for outstanding service to GRAPHICS DIRECT and CHRIS BOOTH

Golden Helicopter Award

It’s only when you travel that you come to appreciate just how good London cabbies are at their job. For the benefit of my overseas subscribers you cannot become a London taxi driver without “The Knowledge”. This is a very testing examination that you have to pass where you not only need to know every street and major building in the entire city but also the best way to get there.
They also ALWAYS have a view on local and world events – possibly slightly bigoted on occasions!- although that’s not part of The Knowledge as far as I know!
So a resounding GOLDEN HELICOPTER AWARD for outstanding service – over many years - goes to LONDON CABBIES!

TELL YOU WHAT……………..Let’s start a London cabbie anecdote blog here! Any stories you have about, or any experiences you’ve had with, London cabbies put them up here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Winning through the Downturn

Yes - the downturn might affect your business dramatically
Yes - that just might be terminal

BUT remember:

“Pessimism is a totally useless philosophy since it probably won't work any way.”

Our job as business leaders is surely to win through a downturn like this and set the strategy and the tactics to do so.

So let's start by examining the problem:

Following the credit crunch finance is tight in the West and the prices of oil, steel and food have all increased dramatically wordwide. We have significant inflation being posted in a number of developing countries and finally we have an increasing number of profits warning from public companies in the West.

So how should we respond to this?

Firstly as far as your business is concerned you should be seeking to harvest cash and be really hard-nosed about any investment. It must generate an adequate and expeditious return. My advice is be super cautious with the banks – they caused a good deal of the problem and I don't think we can assume we can trust them at this time.

Next, now must be the time for you to work hard at improving your business efficiencies - and by that I mean not just your "shop floor" operations but wall-to-wall. To me the best measure of efficiency or productivity is simply added value per employee and you should be seeking to improve that continuously so that you are both lean and mean and fleet of foot.

If you are in an industry where you buy basic materials that are not fashion influenced and is worth helping to protect your margins by considering investing some of your cash in additional stocks at today's prices - that you can subsequently add value to and sell at tomorrow's inflated prices.

Finally in this area I would recommend that each and every time you think about recruiting question whether you could outsource that activity as an alternative.

You need to be tough but fair with your suppliers --negotiate simply everything and share with them your future plans and your confidence going forward. Never pay them late, however, no matter what the accountants might say, it will cost you in the end.

What about your markets?
If you look around there are a many markets for you to target that are thriving and will continue to do well. Obviously the oil rich countries of the Middle East and elsewhere are thriving and the so-called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) continue to do well and are expected to be the leading economies of the world in the foreseeable future. Target them.

Some of the industry sectors that are thriving are all forms of mining - giving a particular boost to the economies of Australia and Canada (Canada is now referred to as the Saudi Arabia of phosphate -- it has one third of the world's supplies) and food production.

The energy industry - from oil and gas extraction through to sustainable, fossil fuels and nuclear power are all set to continue to thrive into the near future. The Aviation industry (but not western airlines) is thriving with record order books at both Boeing and Airbus (over six years of production with only 10% from the US). These companies increasingly outsource globally – target these suppliers like Meggitt in the UK who have just announced record results.

There are more billionaires in the world now than ever before - with large numbers in India, Russia and China as well as the West. Any industry or service sector where they spend their money will continue to thrive - be it super yachts or super hotels or super fashion. Can you sell to them?

Looking at customers generally you need to exploit your strengths mercilessly, you need to be seen to get in the shoes of your customers more, to customise and be creative. You should be moving your mindset from "sell" to "help" and focusing on a getting a "wow” from them each and every time they do business with you.

You need to bring out exceptional new products and you need to focus strongly on giving perceived added value to counter any suggestion that may be coming from customers that you might be inclined to lower prices - don't do it!

I'm sure it does not need saying that you must be very tough indeed on receivables in these times – that hard fought order, that great sale is worth nothing unless you get paid. It's probably prudent to assume a percentage of your customers will go bust in the next 12 months - and you don't want to be left with a big hit.

A word about your team.
Each and every one of your employees (and their partners) are reading and hearing a constant stream of bad news and depressing projections about the future and it is you that they are looking to for a lead. Despite what you might be feeling you need to exhibit a positive attitude at all times, you need to communicate and listen more than ever before and you need to demonstrate that you have the situation under control.
Research has shown that people follow leaders who are decisive, passionate and have fun – and that's what you need to exhibit.

Particularly in these times we need to challenge our paradigms, ramp up our creativity, and look to the big picture.

Otherwise known as:

Helicopters and Boxes!
(Staying in the Helicopter® and Thinking outside the Box)

- why not set up a helicopters & boxes team now?

Finally, for UK readers, I have just read that Goldman Sachs predicts that by 2020 the UK will have the highest the income per person in the world – we will be more prosperous than anybody!

– so all you’ve got to do is to get through ‘till then!


© 2008

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Golden Helicopter Award

This one's from Mike Ogilvie:
Following a long day in Manchester at PSA meeting having caught 8.30 plane from Gatwick, Derek Arden and I went to BA and asked to be seated in same row with one seat between us so we could spread out

Despite us having checked in that morning in Gatwick the man at the counter was very obliging at the sight of Derek's BA Silver executive card, and once he had changed our seats he was presented with a WOW card acknowledging his superb service by Derek

I noted his resulting beaming smile and stored this idea for future use - not realising how soon that would be

We went to the Executive lounge to be told by Jemma the receptionist that our plane was delayed by at least one hour until after 10pm, and that as we were the only two in the executive lounge , the lounge was to close at eight

Well "Arden the negotiator" went into action and asked if we could possibly be switched to the Heathrow flight, but Jemma was told by BA that as we had not got open tickets, the only way was if we paid them £69 for new tickets

Well that was far too much for two tired speakers, so we said we could not do that.

Derek was getting frustrated and explained how much he spent with BA each year but, remembering our recent experience, I pulled Derek aside and asked for one of his WOW cards. I said to Jemma that we realised she had done her best for us, but we could not justify spending the extra £69, but please accept this card as our recognition of her efforts on our behalf.

She smiled and we retired to the lounge to eat BA sandwiches and drink BA wine

15 minutes later Derek was called to reception and Jemma presented him with two tickets to Heathrow free of charge. She had appreciated the fact that we had not given her grief, and in fact had recognised her efforts on our behalf, so she called BA herself and persuaded them to switch our flights

WOW - we were smiling now, and when we picked up our cars from Gatwick before 10pm we realised our original flight would not have yet left Manchester

So Jemma Hodgkinson from Aviance Manchester terminal 3 has now been nominated by us for a Golden Helicopter award and we have written to her boss to congratulate him for having such brilliant team members

EVERYONE was a WINNER - so next time speakers, when your ego is threatening to take over, remember it might achieve more to be nice than to be angry.

So a Golden Helicopter Award goes to Jemma Hodgkinson from Aviance Manchester

Friday, June 27, 2008

Golden Helicopter Award

My wife and I I have just spent a week in one of our favourite places - where we used to live - in Wembury near Plymouth in Devon.
Nearby in the Yealm Estuary are two idyllic villages - Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo.
In Noss Mayo there is the most wonderful pub, The Ship Inn, in a delightful position by the creek, looking out across the two villages. The food is outstanding and the service second to none - so much so we went three times in 5 days!

Ditched Helicopter Award - Abbey

This comes from David Winch:

"I am moving shortly and, having been completely satisfied with Abbey's home insurance products in the past, I contacted them for a quote for the new place.

One of the first things they wanted was the postcode, which I gave. I was met with the classic 'Little Britain' "Computer says No" response!

"This is an incorrect postcode, Sir. Please can you give me the correct postcode so I can proceed with your quotation?"

So I informed them that:
a/. This was the postcode on the Estate Agent's particulars
b/. I had put this postcode into and it had showed me the correct location to view the property
c/. While we were talking, I put it into and achieved the same correct result
d/. Also while we were talking, I had entered the address into the postcode finder on Royal Mail's website and it had given me the same postcode

"Ah, but my computer's telling me it doesn't recognise this postcode. Is it a new property?"

So I told them that it was approximately ten years old, but I was aware that the village in question had all its postcodes changed - about four years ago! - so I hoped their system might have caught up by now.

The poor operative had no where to go but to say once more that she couldn't proceed without a postcode that her computer deemed to be correct.

Are you surprised that I've gone elsewhere?"

A definite Ditched Helicopter Award to Abbey

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Golden Helicopter Award

I've just had an operation on my back to release a trapped nerve at the wonderful Chiltern Hospital. I spent three nights with them and they were simply fabulous - but the very best thing about the hospital was that I could have a glass of wine with my evening meal - bliss!
So a definite Golden Helicopter Award to the Chiltern Hospital, Great Missenden.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two Ditched Helicopter and a Golden Helicopter Award

The first comes from Philip Pagan:
" I would like to nominate the refuse department of Carlisle City Council for a ditched helicopter award.
Last week I was on holiday and my son forgot to put out our refuse which has recently been changed to twice weekly collection. As I did not want to put the refuse in my car I asked my son if I could borrow his works van and take it in that.
When I arrived at the council depot (a journey of about three miles) a little man jumped out of his tin hut and the conversation proceeded as follows:

Little Man: “You can’t bring trade waste in here”

Me: “Its not trade waste it’s my own refuse, I missed the collection earlier in the week”

Little Man: “You can’t come in here with a van weighing over 3.5 ton”

Me: “Okay, I will take my refuse out of the van and wheel it up it the skip on foot”

Little Man: “You need a permit to do that”

Me: “Okay, will you issue me with a permit please”?

Little Man: “You need to ring this number to obtain a permit”

Me: “Okay I will do that”

Little Man: “No point doing that it’s closed on the weekend!”

Me (Sarcastically): Okay I will just dump it on the pavement then shall I?”

Little Man: (Seriously): “£3,000 fine if you do that!”

My refuse was duly returned home where it will have to sit for two weeks until the next scheduled collection."

I think that's a definite Ditched Helicopter to CARLISLE CITY COUNCIL

Next comes a REPEAT AWARD!!!

I flew British Aiways from Johannesburg last week (Client booked it) and, as normal, they said that the computer would be selecting certain seats to fill in a confidential questionaire. I was selected and in answer to the final two questions - "What was the single best and worst things about this flight" I answered "The flat bed seats" to the first and "the crew" to the second and handed it in.

10 minutes later the, appallingly titled, Cabin Services Director (Chief Stewardess) came and asked me what was wrong with the crew!!!!

How to get things totally wrong! (incidentally what was wrong with them was that they were careworn, and bordering on the aggressive)

So a repeat Ditched Helicopter Award to BRITISH AIRWAYS

Now for the good news - a Golden Helicopter Award for outstanding service.
I ran a workshop for the delightful GfK Marketing Services recently at their retreat held in the simply delightful Ashford Castle in Galway, Ireland. It is a magical place with fantastic food and outstanding service. Guys you MUST surprise your other halves with a weekend there - and you can fly at a very reasonable price from Luton direct to Galway.
So a Golden Helicopter Award goes to ASHFORD CASTLE

About Me

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Roger Harrop, The CEO Expert, has spent over 25 years leading international business at the highest level, ultimately a plc, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges. He is ranked in the top 10 of Management and Strategy Speakers worldwide by Speaker Wiki and twice voted by the members of The Academy for Chief Executives 'Speaker of the Year' He is an, Oxford, UK based, international motivational business growth speaker who inspires and entertains his audiences with his acclaimed Staying in the Helicopter® programmess. Over 20000 CEOs, business leaders in 40 countries have achieved transformational change through his thought provoking and entertaining talks laced with real-life stories, anecdotes and humour. Roger is an author, accredited SME business advisor, mentor, and independent director and has run businesses for major multi-national corporations. He is a Past-President of The Professional Speakers Association, a former Vice-President of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and a Liveryman with The Worshipful Company of Marketers.