Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Business growth Tips - expand your customer base

Your Business Channel is publishing over the next few weeks a series of tips from top business gurus that you simply can't afford to miss. The first on expanding your customer base is here

kind regards

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Golden Helicopter Award to Wolsey Lodges

Over the years my wife and I have stayed at many Wolsey Lodges. These are, basically, upmarket bed and breakfasts located all over the UK and Ireland. Generally they are old manor houses sometimes with somewhat eccentric owners, in fascinating locations and you are normally expected to stay for dinner as the owners are often Cordon Bleu chefs.

Most recently we stayed as a delightful manor house in Gloucestershire in a tiny village where we discovered the next morning there was a church built in 1124! We have stayed in houses with a 3 mile front drive, shared New Year festivities with the owner's entire extended family and been plied with champagne whilst listening to the hosts colorful background in running restaurants, casinos and owning horses – right across Europe!

The standard never drops, you are guaranteed to have a great time so I'm delighted to award WOLSEY LODGES a GOLDEN HELICOPTER AWARD.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Golden Helicopter Award

How can you describe the Scilly Islands? - sea, rocks, spray, sun, rain, wind, sea birds, seals, fresh crab, helicopter, bright blue sea, bright white beaches, jet boats, sparkling, magnificent, first landfall coming from the Americas.

We are just back from our most recent few days there which set us up for the whole year - it is simply the most restful, magnificent place on earth. It's more like the Caribbean than being in Europe and the quality of light is quite amazing.

We stay out of the outstanding Hell Bay Hotel on the smallest inhabited island, Bryher.

Ditched Helicopter Award

I flew on Air India recently was initially impressed to see than online check-in was from 36 hours before the flight unlike 24 hours on most airlines.

Unfortunately from that moment on it was downhill all the way!

I found that I was unable to check in online at all - and was subsequently told that Air India actually don't have the capability to do so - but they thought it would be a good idea to say that they did!

The flight took off late evening and I therefore told the stewardess that I would not be needing a meal and for me not to be disturbed. I then put on my eye shades and a blanket and went to sleep straight after takeoff.

Next thing I know I'm being shaken awake by a stewardess to be asked if I wanted dinner! When I explained that I asked not to be disturbed I was told "it's a company rule we have to wake you to dinner".

The whole experience was very much like the old days of state-owned airlines and I therefore have to give AIR INDIA a DITCHED HELICOPTER Award.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Golden Helicopter Award

I stayed recently at the Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town for over a week. The Conciege, Ahmed, throughout the time could not have been more helpful he was always attentive, patient and smiling. On one occasion I needed the services of a doctor, he not only arranged that but after the doctor had been to my prescription to the pharmacy and when they did not have enough of the particular drug went back the next day to pick up the balance.

I have no hesitation in nominating AHMED of the Cape Sun for a Golden Helicopter Award

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Don't Waste a Good Crisis

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word "crisis". One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, they say, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity.

This downturn, recession, depression or blip is like no other I have known. It is not by any means universal - neither by business sector nor national geography.

I now have a list of over 30 business sectors that are doing well - in some cases exceptionally well, and over a dozen countries with significant GDP growth forecasts.

I simply can't emphasise strongly enough that unless you are in automotive, construction or real estate then almost certainly you remain in control of your own future – no-one else. Indeed even in the automotive sector it is not universal gloom - I see that not only did Volkswagen have a record sales month in February but that the German car industry overall still expects to sell 200,000 more units this year than last and further that Toyota has actually increased sales in the US this year.

There are many growing markets with money to spend that you can and should target.

I recently spoke to a group of business leaders in London and was strongly emphasising the need, especially in these times, for businesses - all businesses - to be proactive in seeking out and converting new customers – in other words "prospecting". A man came up to me afterwards and asked for clarification of what I was saying. He was, he said, the Managing Partner of a legal practice with 15 partners and asked what I meant by "prospecting".

"Seeking out new clients who have not previously used you", I said

"Oh", he said "how?"

"For example", I said "do you ask for referrals? - do you ask each of your satisfied clients to recommend others to whom you could sell your services?"

"That goes against the grain" he said "I'm not sure about that" and walked away.

That Managing Partner is running a business - just like any other business - and whereas we may have had the luxury in the past of new clients finding us THAT TIME HAS GONE.

I believe that we must assume that the basic rules of business now apply to all businesses - we all need to seek out new customers, we need to sell to them, we need to provide unrivalled products and services and we need to treat those customers like our life depends on them - because it does!

None of this is rocket science or new, none of it is things we should have been doing anyway, but I do believe it's going to be those businesses that really get their act together that I come through these times really humming.

There is a risk - a big risk - that the rest will fall by the wayside and I see no reason to mourn them.

In addition to the business sectors that are growing there are national markets also to consider. For example the OECD says that Brazil will likely avoid recession completely in 2009. Petrobras - its state oil company has a four-year $174bn expansion plan, whilst Embraer remains one of the largest passenger jet makers in the world. Brazil is seen to have outperformed India and China and has a well regulated banking system that is not exposed to sub prime. Go and sell to them.

There are other nations who are continuing to grow and invest - but maybe not as fast as heretofore - but nevertheless at rates of growth that are the envy of most other nations. Go and sell to them.

If we are running a business or involved in running a business I believe it is our responsibility to develop and implement a growth strategy to ensure that our business and our employees thrive through these times.

That's our job - now more than ever.

©2009 Roger Harrop Associates

Friday, March 27, 2009

Golden Helicopter Award

In my business I come across many event companies, training companies and the like. Some are large, some small and they have to do a very special job of organising every single aspect of an event or training courses - down to the finest detail. They have to co-ordinate venues and logistics as well as delegates and speakers - sometimes akin to herding cats I suspect!
Earlier this year I ran a one day CEO Masterclass in Lahore for Octara Training and their outstanding General Manager, Muhammad Arif.
I have to tell you that the pres event publicity materials were the best I have ever had, the organisation was exemplary and every single thing was done to facilitate both the delegates and myself.
I am therefore extremely happy to award Muhammad Arif and Octara a Golden Helicopter Award.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The first DOUBLE Golden Helicopter Award

We have just bought an Apple Mac laptop for my wife - and the whole experience was unbelievably good!
I first called in at the Apple store and was given 45 minutes of uninterrupted attention - answering all my questions and concerns about transferring from pc - like they will transfer all your files over for you for free and you can get Office for mac for very little, etc. etc.
He then suggested my wife and I ought to come in - and that we could make an appointment online - which we did for 12 noon on a Sunday.
We then got two hours of very patient help and advice (did you know you don't need a virus checker with Apple?)and we ended up buying what is an exquisitely designed piece of kit. The functional and aesthetic design is superb and the software is intuitive - even the packaging is a delight!
I was SO impressed - compared with the nonsense of MS - and all the bad stuff about Vista that I will probably move to Mac myself.
So - for one of the very best experiences ever I give APPLE the first ever DOUBLE GOLDEN HELICOPTER AWARD!

Golden Helicopter Award

Here's a nomination from Steve Jones:

"I would like to bring to your attention two chaps I met last night at a networking
event. They are George Bowler and Oliver Yorke from Hurst Community College in Baughurst, in Hampshire.

They have just launched a local magazine, You may be thinking why on earth you telling me? well, they are both 15!and have suitably impressed people who were at the Basingstoke event last night with the third issue of their
local magazine "The View" and I would like to nominate them for a Golden Helicopter award because they look like
they have well and truly taken off in business despite not even having a National.Insurance. No. and are
preparing to sit their GCSE's this summer?

Here is their email:"

Fantastic! - I'm more than award to give a GOLDEN HELICOPTER AWARD to George Bowler and Oliver Yorke of Hurst Community College.

About Me

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Roger Harrop, The CEO Expert, has spent over 25 years leading international business at the highest level, ultimately a plc, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges. He is ranked in the top 10 of Management and Strategy Speakers worldwide by Speaker Wiki and twice voted by the members of The Academy for Chief Executives 'Speaker of the Year' He is an, Oxford, UK based, international motivational business growth speaker who inspires and entertains his audiences with his acclaimed Staying in the Helicopter® programmess. Over 20000 CEOs, business leaders in 40 countries have achieved transformational change through his thought provoking and entertaining talks laced with real-life stories, anecdotes and humour. Roger is an author, accredited SME business advisor, mentor, and independent director and has run businesses for major multi-national corporations. He is a Past-President of The Professional Speakers Association, a former Vice-President of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and a Liveryman with The Worshipful Company of Marketers.