Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Golden Helicopter Award to Gordon Bromley

I have now run business growth workshops on 88 occasions for CEO Group organisations like Vistage, the Academy for Chief Executives, TEC and Footdown and have been honoured to be awarded Speaker of the Year by the Academy on twice.

When running these workshops the Group Chair has a more important contribution to make than often appreciated in ensuring that their Group members gain the absolute maximum from the speaker and the event and that the speaker is enabled to run the very best workshop he or she can.

Gordon Bromley the Academy Chair for Surrey is the consumate professional in this regard. He clearly cares about each and every one of his members and works tirelessly to ensure that they gain the maximum from their membership. He also works with the speaker - before, during and after the workshop to help enhance the value to all.

I am very happy therefore to award Gordon Bromley a Golden Helicopter Award for outstanding service.

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About Me

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Roger Harrop, The CEO Expert, has spent over 25 years leading international business at the highest level, ultimately a plc, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges. He is ranked in the top 10 of Management and Strategy Speakers worldwide by Speaker Wiki and twice voted by the members of The Academy for Chief Executives 'Speaker of the Year' He is an, Oxford, UK based, international motivational business growth speaker who inspires and entertains his audiences with his acclaimed Staying in the Helicopter® programmess. Over 20000 CEOs, business leaders in 40 countries have achieved transformational change through his thought provoking and entertaining talks laced with real-life stories, anecdotes and humour. Roger is an author, accredited SME business advisor, mentor, and independent director and has run businesses for major multi-national corporations. He is a Past-President of The Professional Speakers Association, a former Vice-President of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and a Liveryman with The Worshipful Company of Marketers.