We went online and sent the massage that we wished to have a meter.
Four weeks or more later there was a knock at the door "to do a survey". This guy - who told us he was merely a contractor to Thames Water said that he thought it would be possible to fit a meter but that we would need to do some work first to expose the pipe and he would now submit his report.
Last week we had a message "from Thames Water" that they now wished to install the meter and for us to ring back. I did only to discover, firstly that it was another contractor and when I asked why they said they were Thames Water when they weren't the response was that they were "told to".
I advised them that as there had been such a long period since our request, and that we had to do work first, we would now like to have it done after the summer.
"You can't" I was told "It has to be done in 90 days"
"From when" I asked
"From the date of you first enquiry" they said.
I pointed out that that was already past - due to their delays.
"Yes" they said so we would therefore have to have it done very quickly!
I spoke to the supervisor who confirmed this total nonsense and that if we wished to delay the installation we would have to start the whole process again!!
They clearly can't even spell the word 'customer' so a Ditched Helicopter goes to Thames Water