Monday, July 23, 2012

Ditched Helicopter Award to the DVLA

This from Stuart Wayment:

"I feel compelled to nominate a ditched helicopter for the online car tax process from dvla

As self confessed petrol heads the annual car tax round is always welcome. ( I notice it is no longer called road fund licence - loosing the pretence that this money goes to fund our roads and is now simply called car tax), but this is an aside, so three demands drop through the letter box together at least two in the same envelope amounting to a sum in excess of £500 which I'm clearly keen to pay up. Supported by threats of fines impoundings and crushings for failing to tax.

So online to pay, two go through well pretty quick and painless, the final vehicle (my mid life crisis fair weather motorcycle) fails to process with a note telling me it has no insurance, and that I can use the link to check the national motor insurance database (which is what they use) hey presto that confirms I have insurance so leaving it a day or two I retry same fail, where are the "contact us" links oh there are none. Do I call the helpline which is simply a voice activated version of the on line system, surprise surprise no insurance and a message to say "I cannot process the transaction Goodbye"

A shame some of the money isn't reinvested to a system that works and why no sanctions for failure on the part of the dvla

Oh well off to queue at the post office if I can find one that does tax discs."

Very happy to award a well deserved Ditched Helicopter to the DVLA

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Roger Harrop, The CEO Expert, has spent over 25 years leading international business at the highest level, ultimately a plc, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges. He is ranked in the top 10 of Management and Strategy Speakers worldwide by Speaker Wiki and twice voted by the members of The Academy for Chief Executives 'Speaker of the Year' He is an, Oxford, UK based, international motivational business growth speaker who inspires and entertains his audiences with his acclaimed Staying in the Helicopter® programmess. Over 20000 CEOs, business leaders in 40 countries have achieved transformational change through his thought provoking and entertaining talks laced with real-life stories, anecdotes and humour. Roger is an author, accredited SME business advisor, mentor, and independent director and has run businesses for major multi-national corporations. He is a Past-President of The Professional Speakers Association, a former Vice-President of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and a Liveryman with The Worshipful Company of Marketers.